OTHER INTERESTING THINGS AVAILABLE The following items are also available from Cy Stapleton. Some of these items are printed and some are on diskette. If not noted that the item is on disk, it is printed. (#BFP-1) "Brokering for Profit". This is an incredible resource of hard to find items for the printer who brokers or for the entrepreneur who wishes to start a printing brokerage business. The stand alone data- base can be added to, records can be changed and reports printed. It is a must have program for everyone who wants to add thousands of dollars to the bottom line with no new employees or equipment. A brochure is available via FAX. FAX your request to (409) 637-1480). Disk. $99. (#AA-1) "Agency's Helper". Similar to #BFP-1 above, except designed for the advertising agency. Disk. $99.00. (#YON-1) "A Brief History of the Printed Word". This little tome takes the reader through some 5,000 years of mankind's struggle to mass produce his thoughts. Illustrated with pieces from Cy Stapleton's collection as well as pieces from other collections. Over 3,000 copies sold. $9.95. (#YON02) "Face Painting for Fun and Profit". A blueprint of how you can start your own face painting business at shows and other special events. Complete with starter illustrations, material list, etc. New. $4.95. (#YON-3) "Making Medieval Weapons & Armour at Home." Reprint of a 19th century series on the subject, complete with illustrations and full instructions. Over 10,000 copies sold. $4.95. (#YON-4) "Foundry Work at Home". How to set up your own foundry at home for casting small items. New. $4.95. (YON-5) "Laying a Sundial". Details on building and calibrating your own sundial. New. $2.50. (#YON-6) "Marcom Majic". Simple magic tricks that anyone can perform. By Marcom the Magician. New. $4.95. (#YON-7) "The Renaissance Gourmet". A collection of scores of authentic 15th through 18th century English and European recipes. Each has been tested and uses modern indgedients. Over 5,000 copies sold $9.95. (#YON-8) "The Renaissance Coloring Book". A great source for renaissance type line art. 48 original drawings by fantasy artist, Darla Hallmark. Over 10,000 copies sold. $3.00. (#YON-9) "The Unicorn Coloring Book". 48 original line drawings of unicorns by fantasy artist, Darla Hallmark. New. $3.00. (#YON-10) "The Tarot Card Coloring Book". A complete set of tarot cards that you can color yourself. The cards are perforated so they can be punched out of the book. Includes instructions on reading the cards. New. $14.95. (#YON-11) "Renaissance Post Cards". Reproductions of over 100 authentic woodcuts created in the 16th century. Each card depicts a craft or trade practiced in Germany during the period. Thousands sold. $19.95 #YON-12) "Thomas Nast Note Cards". A beautifully produced set of note cards with reproductions of 12 different Thomas Nast's Santa Claus illustrations. Complete with envelopes. New. $9.95. (#YON-13) "Dickens Note Cards". A set of 12 different Dickens scenes created by Darla Hallmark. New. $9.95. (#YON-14) "Mini Cards". A collection of 100 different funny mini cards (business cards). You've got to see these to really appreciate them. Over 50,000 sold. $4.95. (#YON-15) "Mini Posters". A collection of 100 different mini posters. These are originals of the type of posters you see being passed around offices. No porn, but some dynamite pieces. Thousands sold. $10.95. (#C-1) "Profits In Marriage Mailing". All the details you need to start your own marriage (co-op) mailing program. Profits are incredible. On diskette. New. For any entrepreneur. $9.95. (#C-2) "How To Save On All Your Typesetting". On disk, this is a tutorial of how you can save a substantial amount of money on any typesetting requirements you might have - whether it be a brochure, catalog, or program. Over 2,000 sold. For anyone buying printing. $9.95 (C-3) "Profits In Programs". On disk, this is a blueprint of how you can make outstanding profits on program booklets. Everything is included on disk, from coming up with the idea to the banking of the profits. Necessary forms are also included. Perfect for the person wanting to do pageant programs, special event programs, directories, etc. Over 200 sold. $9.95. (#C-4) "How To Start Your Own Shareware Distributorship". All of the details you need to start your own shareware distributorship including acquisition, inventory, copying, labeling, marketing, etc. New. $9.95. (#C-5) "Renaissance Clip Art". On disk, this disk is full of 300 dpi scanned TIFF files appropriate to the period. New. $9.95. (#C-6) "Music Clip Art". On disk, this disk is full of 300 dpi scanned TIFF files of musical instruments - ancient and modern. New. $9.95. (#C-7) "School Clip Art". On disk, this disk is full of 300 dpi scanned TIFF files of school interest. Students, mascots, and much more. New. $9.95. (#C-8) "Unicorn Clip Art". On disk, this disk is full of 300 dpi scanned TIFF files of line drawings of unicorns. New. $9.95. (#C-9) "How To Start A Newspaper On A Shoestring". On disk. All the details you need to get started publishing your own special interest publication, whether it be a shopper, trade journal, etc. Over 5,000 copies sold in booklet form, the version on disk new and updated. For any entrepreneur. $9.95. (#C-10) "Small Talk 1990-91". On disk. Cy Stapleton's popular "unedited" column which appeared in Southern Graphics in 1990 and 1991. A gossip column of interest to Southern printers. $9.95. (#C-11) "Color Printing on a Duplicator". On disk. There are big bucks in process color printing and it's easier to do than you might think on a duplicator. For printers. $9.95. (#C-12) "Get Hooked To Profits". On disk. There are great profits in marriage mailings. This is a blueprint to put you on the road to capturing some of those profits. For printers or entrepreneurs. $9.95. (#C-13) "Buyer's Aid". An easy-to-use, stand-alone database for keeping track of sources of supply. Menu driven, pull down help screens, print reports and much more. Add, edit, or delete easily.Fields for name, ad- dress, contact, classification, phone, FAX, toll-free number, classifi- cation, comments, etc. On disk. $29.95. (#C-14) "Profits Printing" On disk. A blueprint for starting your own printing business - full time or part time - with little or no cash in- vestment,or for printers to substantially increase their profits $9.95. (#C-15) "Customer Information Sheets". On disk. A collection of customer information sheets that will help you educate your customer. Includes a Glossary of Printing Terms, Trade Customs, Paper Terms, What Goes Into A Printed Job, Customer Furnished Paper, and much more. All in ASCII text where you can import it into your desktop publishing or word processing software and customize. For printers. $19.95. (#C-16) "Turn Scrap Into Dollars". On disk. Do like the big boys do and use ever inch of the capacity of your press on almost every job. Turn that extra space into profits. $9.95 (available in March 1992). (#C-17) "Mini Card Artwork". Camera ready art for 144 funny mini cards. $9.95. (#C-18) "Clip Art". On disk. 300 dip scanned clip art. PCX and TIF format. Religion, School, Medieval, Music. 5 full disks. $25. (#SW-1) "Software Catalog". On disk. Over 1,700 great programs @ $3.50 per disk. Free with any order or $2.50 shipping if ordered alone. ======================================================================= To order, send your check, money order, or MasterCard, VISA or American Express by selecting and using the ORDER FORM from the main menu. All orders will be sent via UPS within 24 hours of receipt. Be certain to include street address and zip code.